
This Friday Kingdom Kids went on an adventure to Ashford's Ten pin bowling ally. We had about 50 children and young people and adults.

We had such great fun playing a game of bowling against our teams and some of our team leaders.

There were many strikes and spares and everyone had fun.

All creatures great and small

What an amazing Kingdom Kids Sunday!
We had so much fun coming together as a whole family and celebrating being different. We made some strange creatures and had many challenges.
We sang many songs and danced lots. Some of the adults danced more than the Kingdom kids.
We watched Mr Bean in church!
We learnt that however different we are God still loves us and that's how He made us.
Towards the end of the service, we were asked to make an ID badge to show how individual we all are. We put our thumb print on it and thanked God that no matter how different we are we are still loved and are very special to Him.
Many Kingdom Kids got enrolled and one Kingdom Kid decided to become a friend of Jesus!
We praise God for answered prayers!

Friday 9th November

This week Kingdom Kids carried on the theme of Jeremiah, a prophet of God. We continued on the story and Rachel led throne room with an interactive story of Jeremiah and the scroll.
We had lots of fun singing and dancing.
Sarah-Jane led us in some games of Sarah says... which everyone enjoyed.
Ellie helped us to pray by writing on a very long scroll the people we would like to pray for. This was a really good, reflective time.
Which was followed by Heathers challenge of writing on a scroll as a team all the things God asks us to do, such as love everyone. Then the teams as a choose one of the things written on their scrolls to act out. The teams were brilliant.
Kingdom Kid of the week: Emma
Team of the week: Blue

Friday 2nd November

Kingdom Kids this week was the first Kingdom Kids since two weeks holiday for half term.
We had many children and young people come and enjoy worship, singing, dancing with us.
This week we looked at the story of Jeremiah, a prophet of God who bought a field whilst in prison. The theme of hope for the future was explored and How God provides for us.
We had lots of fun playing games.
We planted our own Fields of cress on paper plates spelling out the word hope as the cress grows.
We had lots of fun.
Kingdom Kid of the week:
Team of the week:

Friday 12th October

We enjoyed another cool Kingdom Kids this Friday. The last one in this term ended with the lost coin.
Nathan and Sarah-Jane started us off with some games.
Ellie with her helpful assistant Arnold told the story of the lost coin in throne room.
Heather played some fun games, which we all loved because we had to make a mess with lots of newspaper and have races with a broom.
Challenge was a treasure hunt and recreating the story as a team on their paper. this was lots of fun.
Much dancing and singing was involved and we were all impressed by Katie, Dilan and others by their amazing dancing.
Team of the week: red team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Arther

Remember no Kingdom kids until November 2nd.

Friday 5th October

Today Kingdom Kids was about the lost sheep.
We had a fun starter, of trying to find the lost sheep, led by Rachel.
We had lots of fun worshiping God with singing and dancing. Team Chants were amazing again with lots of work being put in by the Kingdom Kids before they came... well done girls.
We had lots of fun play 'please Mr crocodile...' with four scary adult crocodiles!
Throne room was led by Clare and told the story of the lost sheep, we had shepherd Ben and lost Shaun the sheep and how he was found even when there was 99 other sheep the shepherd still notice 1 missing sheep.
Sue led team challenge of everyone making necklaces with a sheep and a heart on to remind us that God loves us no matter what!
Rachel led us in a time of prayer in which we prayed for the lost people we knew in our lives.
Team of the week:Blue
Kingdom Kid of the week: Rachel

Well done everyone and I hope to see you at the country bumpkins party tomorrow night @ 5:30pm and on Sunday 10:30am and stay for our harvest lunch.
Remember you get extra points!

Friday 28th September

Another great Kingdom Kids. 44 children and young people turned up for lots of fun.
This week Sue told us a story about King Jo(isiah) and how God was remember and king Jo followed God's rules.

We sang and danced with lots of worship and it was good to see the leaders joining in.

Clare led a game in which a runner from each team had to bring something Clare called out, to get points you needed to be the first one there. This was lots of fun and a good team effort from everyone.
Rachel led Challenge. With finding the jenga blocks with stickers on as a team. once they were found you could get a word, make a sentence and then make a scroll! This was lots of fun and all the teams enjoyed this.
We finished with learning a song called 'I love ya', which we will be singing and dancing at the harvest celebration this Sunday.
Team of the week: red
Kingdom Kid of the week: Hayden
Well done everyone and see you this Friday!

Friday 21st September

Wow, another great Kingdom Kids.
We thank God for sending us many new children and young people and for seeing old ones as well. We had about 45 children and young people this kingdom kids. Which is amazing!

Rachel did a starter and some brilliant games. One where you have to get the whole team through the hoop without letting go of each others hands. Was a challenge but many enjoyed it.

Sue led us through some Prayers. Which was a time where God moved and stirred many children and young people and the adults as well.
Ellie led a challenge of prayer beads and Clare led throne room about a very bad king who didn't follow the rules and didn't care about God.
There was much singing and dancing ad we worshiped God throughout this session. With some great dancing from some of the leaders.
Kingdom Kid Team of the week: Yellow
Kingdom Kid of the week: George
Well done everyone and hope to see you next week.

Praise Party, 14th September

The first week back for Kingdom Kids, was a praise party.
It was a great turn out of children and young people, with 35 children and young people coming together to praise God.
For some this was their first time, others were returning Kingdom Kids. It was great to see both old and new faces.
Everyone was placed into new teams this new term, with new team leader structures.
You will meet everyone in another post!
This week was full of dancing, singing and games.
Each team made new banners and created team chants, which were all excellent.
Rachel and Clare led some games, dragons den which was very funny with some adults joining in and the bean game.
Team of the week: Blue team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Adam
Well done everyone and have a good week. Remember you get points if you come on Sundays!!x

Kingdom kids is back...

For everyone who attends Kingdom Kids on a Friday, we come back on Friday 14th September @ East Stour School. This is for 4-11years anyone who is four and would like to come for the first time (or older but is first time) first session is free.
Come along at 6pm -7.30pm.
Hope to see you there!

Kingdom Kids team meeting

Over the summer holidays Kingdom Kids on a Friday have been taking a break. While on Sundays Kingdom Kids has continued as normal as possible with families on holiday!
This is just a team reminder that Friday 7th September @ 6pm at the Salvation Army hall. If you cannot make it please let Clare know before then.

Friday 8th June

What an amazing Kingdom Kids... The first week back from the school holidays Kingdom Kids met with a full house of around 30 children.
Using the theme of Pentecost, we had songs of worship, a challenge led by Heather and Rachel to make a Holy Fire memo board. Games led by Clare was a fun time of flapping the heart up to the cone and back, this was a time of laughter and encouragement from all the teams.

Ellie led Throne room, telling the story of Jesus' Ascension into Heaven to be with the Father. The children were quizzed and all listen and won points.
As a starter, the children made and decorated paper plates to make candle holders. We later used these in a wonderful, very powerful time of prayers. The candles were lite and the teams sat in a circle around them, the children watched the flame, Thanked God for promises made and kept. Then the teams went around in the circle to say a prayer, everyone joined in. The presence of God was there and it was so amazing. We finished by worshiping God with May the God of Hope.

Kingdom Kid of the week: Charlie
Team of the week: Green
Well done everyone and hope to see you next week for more of Pentecost when the fire falls.

Bring and buy sale!

Wow! What an exciting Kingdom Kids. This week as a special end of term celebration, Kingdom Kids had a bring and buy night. We very much need to buy some new bibs for our teams and which we now can, thanks to all the Kingdom kids we raised around £100. Each team had a stall and the most raised by team won points. All the children got involved helping with selling and buying things as well. Green team used their imagination and had an ice cream stall as well. Yellow team had face painting which was a favourite. Blue team had boy name keyrings which were very popular for them and red team did really well with Teddy's and smellys. Refreshments stall was run excellently by George and Pam.
The evening was rounded up with a few games led by Clare, whilst money was counted. The winner team for the most money raised was yellow team, raising an amazing £40 alone. What an amazing night.
Thank you kingdom kids for your amazing efforts and thank you leaders for your enthusiastic input.

Team of the week: Yellow team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Lauren

Well done everyone and see you all in two weeks time!

This coming Kingdom Kids

This coming Friday 18th may, Kingdom Kids is doing something specail. We are having a fun bring and buy sale for the children and their families to raise money for Kingdom Kids colour team bibs (which our old ones are falling apart). Please note all Kingdom Kids that this will be our last Kingdom Kids for two weeks over half term. See you all on Friday


We had a great morning together for Mothering Sunday - the school hall was full of Kingdom Kids, parents and church family. Our theme was devoted - and on Mothering Sunday recognised those devoted to us, and our call to be devoted to each other, and above all to God. We looked at Jonah, had team challenges and discussions, songs, music, dancing and lots more. Team of the Sunday was the Red Team. During Devoted we also welcomed about 8 new Kingdom Kids, and also the Childrens Ministry Team was commissioned. The picture shows some of the new Kingdom Kids, supported by other Kingdom Kids, and also members of the childrens ministry team who were commissioned by Captain Ian, our senior leader

Friday 9th March

Today we finished our programme of Jonah, with a summery of God's mercy and forgiveness towards us.

In our Throne room led by Sue, we learnt about the prodigal son and his fathers forgiveness towards him. With a trip to an imaginary theater with some fabulous famous actors and actresses tells us about this.

We had fun games led by Clare and played sink, sail and swim. This went down a storm with everyone.

Our challenge today was very difficult, but really great. Each team had to make a Whale that the whole team could fit inside, with some very large boxes. This was great with some very strange looking whales and was led by Heather.

We had lots of fun singing, dancing and worshiping the lord with Kingdom Kids and I'm gonna jump up and down. There was some great singing and fabulous dancing from everyone, including the adults!

It was amazing with many new faces and lots of old ones all having fun together.

Team of the week: Yellow

Kingdom Kid of the week: Hannah

Well done everyone, see you next week.

Friday 2nd March

This week we continued with the story of Jonah and how God had mercy on him. We had lots of fun playing a game of actions and lots of running about led by Sue. Our story this week was told by Heather and some of the children helping her act out the story of Jonah, a tree, a vine and a worm, Jonah 3-4. This was lots of fun.

We danced, sang and worshiped to our favourite Kingdom Kids and learnt a new song about grace and mercy. We danced around in a big circle and had groovy walking dancing. This was a great time of worship together, even with the adults strange dancing.

Our challenge this week was to draw the whole story of Jonah on a large piece of paper. Everyone in each team work well together and presented some lovely pictures back. We had some comic strips, some all over the place story and some collage stories. This was led by Clare and all pictures had God gives everyone mercy. The teamwork was fantastic.

After all this fun we concluded with some prayer, thinking about God's mercy on us- when God does not give us what we deserved and saying sorry for when we have been bad and not deserved God's mercy and thanking God for everything He gives us.

We had so much fun. If you would like to join us we would love to see you at 6pm-7.30pm at East Stour School on Fridays.

Team of the week: Yellow team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Olisa
Well done everyone. x

Firday 23rd February

This week was the first week back from the half term for Kingdom Kids and just like last term we had lots of fun.
We learnt about Jonah and God's mercy on a really bad and horrible city.
Rachel told us a fabulous story of Jonah and the Whale (or big fish) with lots of actions and team participation and acting.
We had a great game by Ellie in which we had to jump in and out the whale over a line. They all loved this game and asked to play again.
Sue led a great team challenge to act out the story in their own teams way. Blue team won this with the imaginative use of a hoop for a whale.
This weeks team of the week: Blue team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Jamie
Well done everyone and see you all next week.


As some of the older members of the salvation army in ashford enjoyed time out from their busy lives - so did we! Childrens Ministries Officer Clare and Capt Sue were great in helping us to understand relationship and God and us! It was great. We did lots of messey stuff, watched some DVD and played some games. Thanks Clare and Sue for a great day. We love you

Kidz Planet Friday 9th February 2007

This Friday we took all of Kingdom Kids to 'Kidz Planet' for our end of term trip. This was Fantastic and lots of fun.
Some of the adult team leaders played games, like hide and seek with the children, while others had drinks and supervised and built some relationships with parents.
All the teams got to have fun on the giant inflatable slide. We all had a great time, Thank you to Sue for organising this!
No team of the week this week.
Kingdom Kid of the week: Ashton
Reminder to all Kingdom Kids and parents, we won't be meeting next week because of half term.
Kingdom Kids x

Friday 2nd February

This week we welcomed back the many new faces that we have been seeing over the last couple of weeks.

This week we finished our programme of Elijah and we looked at God being all powerful. That God will protect the powerless from the people with power. Our story was from 1 Kings 21-22:40 and the children participated in a very fun and active story.

We had lots of fun with Games and the Challenge was team 'pictionary', with each team guess what powerful thing their teammate was drawing. Lots of fun and some interesting pictures.

Our time of prayer this week was led by Sue, in which the children ask God for His protection and thanked Him for being all-powerful! This was very moving to see so many children earnestly talking to Jesus!

Please continue to pray for us, the children and the team!
Team of the week:Red
Kingdom Kid of the week: Daisy
Well done everyone
Love Kingdom Kids x
WOW! We can't believe what is happening every week. Again this week we had a new face. We don't advertise - just let the kids do the talking with their friends.

This week we remembered that God is a God who protects. 'Be still and know that I am God'. We shared a moving time of prayer in which the children asked God to protect their families - please God.

We contiually thank GOd for the opprtunity to be such an integral part of the school community and to be honest a real privilege. If you have a child aged 4-11 why not send themalong?

Friday 19th January 2007

We welcomed some new faces today to Kingdom Kids which is always great, and welcomed back older faces from last term. Children planted seed to remind them that God has the power to do amazing things and in this we continued with the account of Elijah Today, and recognised in this the Power of Amaze. The evening concluded with a special time of praying to God, asking Him to come in Power into the situations of their lives. Kingdom Kids Team of the Week was the Red Team. Kingdom Kid of the week was Lewis.
Kingdom Kids are welcome to add their comments about this week - as anyone is!


Welcome to The Kingdom Kids Blog! The purpose of this blog is to be able to communictae all the exciting things that are happening through the childrens ministries of the ashford salvation army christian centre - and to also communictae with those who are already Kingdom Kids, and the wider audience. We would love to hear your comments too.