This week we continued with the story of Jonah and how God had mercy on him. We had lots of fun playing a game of actions and lots of running about led by Sue. Our story this week was told by Heather and some of the children helping her act out the story of Jonah, a tree, a vine and a worm, Jonah 3-4. This was lots of fun.
We danced, sang and worshiped to our favourite Kingdom Kids and learnt a new song about grace and mercy. We danced around in a big circle and had groovy walking dancing. This was a great time of worship together, even with the adults strange dancing.
Our challenge this week was to draw the whole story of Jonah on a large piece of paper. Everyone in each team work well together and presented some lovely pictures back. We had some comic strips, some all over the place story and some collage stories. This was led by Clare and all pictures had God gives everyone mercy. The teamwork was fantastic.
After all this fun we concluded with some prayer, thinking about God's mercy on us- when God does not give us what we deserved and saying sorry for when we have been bad and not deserved God's mercy and thanking God for everything He gives us.
We had so much fun. If you would like to join us we would love to see you at 6pm-7.30pm at East Stour School on Fridays.
Team of the week: Yellow team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Olisa
Well done everyone. x