Friday 12th October

We enjoyed another cool Kingdom Kids this Friday. The last one in this term ended with the lost coin.
Nathan and Sarah-Jane started us off with some games.
Ellie with her helpful assistant Arnold told the story of the lost coin in throne room.
Heather played some fun games, which we all loved because we had to make a mess with lots of newspaper and have races with a broom.
Challenge was a treasure hunt and recreating the story as a team on their paper. this was lots of fun.
Much dancing and singing was involved and we were all impressed by Katie, Dilan and others by their amazing dancing.
Team of the week: red team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Arther

Remember no Kingdom kids until November 2nd.

Friday 5th October

Today Kingdom Kids was about the lost sheep.
We had a fun starter, of trying to find the lost sheep, led by Rachel.
We had lots of fun worshiping God with singing and dancing. Team Chants were amazing again with lots of work being put in by the Kingdom Kids before they came... well done girls.
We had lots of fun play 'please Mr crocodile...' with four scary adult crocodiles!
Throne room was led by Clare and told the story of the lost sheep, we had shepherd Ben and lost Shaun the sheep and how he was found even when there was 99 other sheep the shepherd still notice 1 missing sheep.
Sue led team challenge of everyone making necklaces with a sheep and a heart on to remind us that God loves us no matter what!
Rachel led us in a time of prayer in which we prayed for the lost people we knew in our lives.
Team of the week:Blue
Kingdom Kid of the week: Rachel

Well done everyone and I hope to see you at the country bumpkins party tomorrow night @ 5:30pm and on Sunday 10:30am and stay for our harvest lunch.
Remember you get extra points!

Friday 28th September

Another great Kingdom Kids. 44 children and young people turned up for lots of fun.
This week Sue told us a story about King Jo(isiah) and how God was remember and king Jo followed God's rules.

We sang and danced with lots of worship and it was good to see the leaders joining in.

Clare led a game in which a runner from each team had to bring something Clare called out, to get points you needed to be the first one there. This was lots of fun and a good team effort from everyone.
Rachel led Challenge. With finding the jenga blocks with stickers on as a team. once they were found you could get a word, make a sentence and then make a scroll! This was lots of fun and all the teams enjoyed this.
We finished with learning a song called 'I love ya', which we will be singing and dancing at the harvest celebration this Sunday.
Team of the week: red
Kingdom Kid of the week: Hayden
Well done everyone and see you this Friday!