Friday 21st September

Wow, another great Kingdom Kids.
We thank God for sending us many new children and young people and for seeing old ones as well. We had about 45 children and young people this kingdom kids. Which is amazing!

Rachel did a starter and some brilliant games. One where you have to get the whole team through the hoop without letting go of each others hands. Was a challenge but many enjoyed it.

Sue led us through some Prayers. Which was a time where God moved and stirred many children and young people and the adults as well.
Ellie led a challenge of prayer beads and Clare led throne room about a very bad king who didn't follow the rules and didn't care about God.
There was much singing and dancing ad we worshiped God throughout this session. With some great dancing from some of the leaders.
Kingdom Kid Team of the week: Yellow
Kingdom Kid of the week: George
Well done everyone and hope to see you next week.

Praise Party, 14th September

The first week back for Kingdom Kids, was a praise party.
It was a great turn out of children and young people, with 35 children and young people coming together to praise God.
For some this was their first time, others were returning Kingdom Kids. It was great to see both old and new faces.
Everyone was placed into new teams this new term, with new team leader structures.
You will meet everyone in another post!
This week was full of dancing, singing and games.
Each team made new banners and created team chants, which were all excellent.
Rachel and Clare led some games, dragons den which was very funny with some adults joining in and the bean game.
Team of the week: Blue team
Kingdom Kid of the week: Adam
Well done everyone and have a good week. Remember you get points if you come on Sundays!!x

Kingdom kids is back...

For everyone who attends Kingdom Kids on a Friday, we come back on Friday 14th September @ East Stour School. This is for 4-11years anyone who is four and would like to come for the first time (or older but is first time) first session is free.
Come along at 6pm -7.30pm.
Hope to see you there!

Kingdom Kids team meeting

Over the summer holidays Kingdom Kids on a Friday have been taking a break. While on Sundays Kingdom Kids has continued as normal as possible with families on holiday!
This is just a team reminder that Friday 7th September @ 6pm at the Salvation Army hall. If you cannot make it please let Clare know before then.