
This Friday Kingdom Kids went on an adventure to Ashford's Ten pin bowling ally. We had about 50 children and young people and adults.

We had such great fun playing a game of bowling against our teams and some of our team leaders.

There were many strikes and spares and everyone had fun.

All creatures great and small

What an amazing Kingdom Kids Sunday!
We had so much fun coming together as a whole family and celebrating being different. We made some strange creatures and had many challenges.
We sang many songs and danced lots. Some of the adults danced more than the Kingdom kids.
We watched Mr Bean in church!
We learnt that however different we are God still loves us and that's how He made us.
Towards the end of the service, we were asked to make an ID badge to show how individual we all are. We put our thumb print on it and thanked God that no matter how different we are we are still loved and are very special to Him.
Many Kingdom Kids got enrolled and one Kingdom Kid decided to become a friend of Jesus!
We praise God for answered prayers!

Friday 9th November

This week Kingdom Kids carried on the theme of Jeremiah, a prophet of God. We continued on the story and Rachel led throne room with an interactive story of Jeremiah and the scroll.
We had lots of fun singing and dancing.
Sarah-Jane led us in some games of Sarah says... which everyone enjoyed.
Ellie helped us to pray by writing on a very long scroll the people we would like to pray for. This was a really good, reflective time.
Which was followed by Heathers challenge of writing on a scroll as a team all the things God asks us to do, such as love everyone. Then the teams as a choose one of the things written on their scrolls to act out. The teams were brilliant.
Kingdom Kid of the week: Emma
Team of the week: Blue

Friday 2nd November

Kingdom Kids this week was the first Kingdom Kids since two weeks holiday for half term.
We had many children and young people come and enjoy worship, singing, dancing with us.
This week we looked at the story of Jeremiah, a prophet of God who bought a field whilst in prison. The theme of hope for the future was explored and How God provides for us.
We had lots of fun playing games.
We planted our own Fields of cress on paper plates spelling out the word hope as the cress grows.
We had lots of fun.
Kingdom Kid of the week:
Team of the week: