Friday 9th March

Today we finished our programme of Jonah, with a summery of God's mercy and forgiveness towards us.

In our Throne room led by Sue, we learnt about the prodigal son and his fathers forgiveness towards him. With a trip to an imaginary theater with some fabulous famous actors and actresses tells us about this.

We had fun games led by Clare and played sink, sail and swim. This went down a storm with everyone.

Our challenge today was very difficult, but really great. Each team had to make a Whale that the whole team could fit inside, with some very large boxes. This was great with some very strange looking whales and was led by Heather.

We had lots of fun singing, dancing and worshiping the lord with Kingdom Kids and I'm gonna jump up and down. There was some great singing and fabulous dancing from everyone, including the adults!

It was amazing with many new faces and lots of old ones all having fun together.

Team of the week: Yellow

Kingdom Kid of the week: Hannah

Well done everyone, see you next week.

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